the Good Drop, the GoodDrop, essential oils, Young Living, love, February, cedarwood, patchouli, ylang ylang, geranium, monthly promosFebruary is here, and love is coming out of our Aria diffusers with this month’s oils for sure! ❤️❤️❤️

👉Before we go into the details of February monthly promos, please make sure you are ordering on Essential Rewards!!! GUYS. Best value, and freebies, and perks! This is our monthly wellness box ordering program that offers points back and additional promos. You can watch this video to get more info here.

👉Also, let’s make sure you are getting the cheapest shipping options, please read here about YL GO for reduced shipping costs, so you are getting the best price available to you!

Now let’s learn about these oils! Up to NINE for free this month! 👇👇👇

400 PV (Extra Tier)

SEED to SEAL Story Collection. Oh friends, when you spend 400 PV this month, you will get this collection of 10 ml oils that includes Lavender, Tea Tree, and Peppermint. Three of our most used essential oils. What I love about this collection is that it comes in a small box and could be easily gifted to someone! It’s also a perfect “spa experience” in a box! Combine this box plus some Epsom salts and a foot loofah, and you’ve got yourself a little self-care essential oil-infused experience!

300 PV

RutaVala Roll-on: Ruta, Valerian, and Lavender! Keep it in your bag when you need to chill. Crazy kids? Crazy emotions? Crazy amounts of stress? Before bedtime, clearly, because these oils make you sleepy. Some people do use it during the day for stress and anxious feelings… but this one helps a lot of people fall asleep right away!

250 PV

Geranium (15 ml). This floral oil is a must-have to your skincare routine and your detox routine. Add it to your moisturizer for radiant skin and you know what else it helps with? Removing chlorine from the body! Yup! And where are my dry brushers at? Let me tell you the secret sauce to dry brushing–it is using Geranium on your skin before you brush!! Also, ladies, your hormones will THANK YOU when you use this! Apply around the ankles for happy hormones. Aromatically, this oil helps release negative emotions (you see this single oil in many of our feeling kit blends), it is mood-boosting, and fosters peace and hope!

190 PV

Ylang Ylang (15 ml). Friends. Ylang Ylang means Flower of Flowers. It’s the oil of LOVE, balances male & female energies, combats anger & low self-esteem. It can be used to battle stress, increases focus, and filters out negative energy. Also, it’s a great oil to promote thick and shiny hair, and your heart loves this oil. Let’s just say that Valentine’s Day is not going to be complete without this aroma!

Patchouli (15 ml, ER Exclusive). Ok, if you don’t have Patchouli, you’re missing out and you’re in for a treat this month. It’s fabulous for your skin! Add a drop of it to your YL moisturizer at night and watch it do its magic with those fine lines. This oil is also being used by a lot of people to help with sleep–one drop on the back of your neck–give it a try! Diffuse this with some Orange and Frankincense! Now, let’s talk about them E-M-O-T-I-O-N-S because…hormones, we all got them. Have feelings of jealousy? Obsessions? Insecurities? You might need some Patchouli, friend. It allows for these feelings to dissipate while it promotes clarity in the mind.

100 PV

Cedarwood (15 ml, ER Exclusive). Anyone likes to love their brain health? Well, I hope you’re using your Cedarwood then! High in sesquiterpenes, this oil makes your brain happy. Known as the poor man’s Frankincense, it is calming, grounding, and wonderful for sleep. It supports the body’s production of melatonin so often people use this to sleep like a log! It is also wonderful for your hair, add a couple drops to your shampoo or rub into your scalp for thick and shining hair. A fave bedtime diffuser combo is Lavender and Cedarwood.

Alright so what are you most excited about this month?! Let us know in the comments below! 😍😍😍

Diffuse the scent of love with February monthly promos! ❤️
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