Whether you are looking for a quick tune-up, a group reset, on-going coaching, or just to dip your toe in and see what it’s all about; there’s an option for you:

  • Identify and release exactly what is holding you back
  • Break those bad habits and negative thought patterns
  • Transform those limiting beliefs
  • Make a daily habit of intentionally living and create focus on your goals

Here are the ways you can work with me:

  • Small Group Entrepreneurial Coaching
  • Small Group Parental Coaching (for parents of complex kids)
  • Individual Sessions
  • Team Sessions
  • Free Consultation

Entrepreneurial Coaching

4 weeks: 4 x 90min sessions

It can be hard for small business owners to be efficient with their time – there’s so many fun distractions! Invest this short time each week in your business and really narrow in on the areas that deserve your attention. Week 1 includes an extra 30 min for introductions and briefing on the Goal Getter methodology. Each week we will explore a goal, identify what is holding you, and create positive action steps towards your goal, as well as an affirmation for incorporating that vision into your life. Sessions will be held via webinar so you can join in from wherever your business takes you.

Sessions start the last week of Aug. Max 5 participants in each group.
  • Week 1: Doing the Hard Work – we all have days when there is some task we know we need to accomplish in order to move our business forward yet somehow we get to the end of the day and find it is not done. We’ll explore your negative habits that are holding you back from progress.
  • Week 2: Overcoming Fear – whether it’s public speaking, feelings sales-y, negotiating, being rejected; we all have a fear that gets in the way of us achieving our goals.
  • Week 3: Doing the Heart Work – sometimes we get so caught up with the mechanics of running our businesses that we lose touch with the reason we started. Reconnect with your passion and discover how to use that passion to drive you forward.
  • Week 4: Never Argue about Money again – money can raise emotions for the best of us, and it’s particularly heightened when you are an entrepreneur and not getting a regular salary. Explore your money values and how they impact your relationships.


For Parents of the Complex Kid

4 weeks: 4 x 90min sessions

Back to school can be a stressful time for everyone, and especially for the families of complex kids. These small group sessions cover the goals you have for your special kid and your family for the coming year. Meet with others that ‘get’ your situation.

Week 1 includes an extra 30 min introduction to the Goal Getter methodology and introductions.  Each week we will explore a goal, identify what is holding you or your loved one back, and create positive action steps towards your goal, as well as an affirmation for incorporating that vision into your life. Sessions will be held via webinar so you can join in from wherever your are. If you are interested in in-person sessions, let me know as a couple of people have requested that.

Contact me for session days and times. Max 5 participants in each group.


  • Week 1: Goals for your complex kid for 2018-19 school year; identify how your experiences as a child influence the way you parent and look for new realizations that will help establish new routines.
  • Week 2: Goals for yourself for the coming year – it’s easy to neglect ourselves when our attention is focussed on kids who need it.  Take a moment for yourself and nurture the parent you want to be.
  • Week 3: Goals for your intimate relationships for the next 12 months. Having a complex kid can put such a strain on your relationships; knowing what you want for you and your partner keeps you headed in the right direction.
  • Week 4: Goals for your other kid(s) or your career. Having a complex kid in the family can be hard on siblings; they can feel jealous or insecure. Explore how you can be support every member of your family, and not neglect your career.


Individual Sessions

1 x 60min session à la carte

Significant progress can be made on a limiting belief or negative thought pattern in just one session. The testimonials on the previous page were given after one session. This is a great way to dip your toe in and give it a try. One word of caution, being that this is just a single session and you will not have the accountability that comes from meeting each week, you will want to be extra diligent in completing the action items and possibly even find someone to help you stay focussed. Your results in life are up to you and the amount of effort and resources that you are willing to put into them. What you give attention to grows! It is in the combination of the sessions and follow through where the gold is found.

6 x 60min sessions

Buy 5 sessions and get one free.  Use on a set schedule or as the desire arises. The benefits of personal attention, plus the accountability of knowing you have another session planned.  Best of both worlds. And perfect to fit in with busy schedules.


Team Sessions

1 x 90min session à la carte

Get together your team in person or online for an opportunity to deep dive together into your businesses. Support each other and grow together. Session can be customized for the theme. This makes a great addition to a weekend retreat, business building workshop or monthly team meeting.

Potential Topics
  • Handling Rejection
  • Finding and supporting clients
  • Leading and growing your team
  • Worthiness for financial abundance
  • Living joyfully in both family and work life


Free Consultation

Whether you are a busy working mom, or a tired parent of a complex kid, or an entrepreneur striving for that big breakthrough; whoever you are, you have GOALS and I feel confident this can help you. Whether your goal is less stress, less worry, more time or more money, we can explore that together. If you’ve still got questions, I’d love to chat with you and see if we are a fit for each other.

  • How much is it worth to discover more time in your day?
  • How much is it worth to feel confident in your abilities to handle a situation?
  • What would you pay to land that new client?

INVEST in your goal. Your goal is worth investing in. You are worth investing in.