the Good Drop, the GoodDrop, essential oils, Young Living, tips, DIY, tips and tricks, oral health, dental health, oral care, dental careLooking to step up your health and dental care? Check out this Thieves Mouthwash hack! 👄

Here’s what you need:
  1. Fill a third of the small glass spray bottle with Thieves Mouthwash.
  2. Add a few drops of Peppermint and Thieves Vitality.
  3. Fill the rest with filtered water.

How to use this Thieves Throat Spray? It’s very simple! Just spray in the back of your throat as needed. The Thieves Mouthwash in this can help freshen your breath, and you will enjoy the immune-supporting benefits of Peppermint and Thieves Vitality essential oils! Not to mention there’s immune-boosting colloidal silver in the Young Living’s mouthwash!

I’ve used this mouthwash for years, and I now have great gum health!

Anyone interested to try this? 🙋‍♀️

Step up your dental care with this DIY Thieves Throat Spray!
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