the Good Drop, the GoodDrop, essential oils, Young Living, diffuser blends, diffuser recipes, daily diffuser, diffusing, emotional supportSummer is effectively over. School is back in one form or another. Work is still in full force. There’s a need for balance now more than ever. This is when we need to remember to use the oils consistently. What does that look like? It can look many different ways, but let’s see what a day of diffusing could look like that could help strike a balance in our daily lives.

Morning Diffuser Blend

This uplifts moods and stimulates our brains to cut through mental fog.

Midday Diffuser Blend

This one is for emotional support. Continued uplifting. Increased confidence.

Nighttime Diffuser Blend

This is for relaxing and calming; helps ease the worries of the day.

Here ya go. These are just a few diffuser blends at key times of the day that will not only improve the day, but also help balance out the everyday stresses we’re facing. Find the ones that help you strike that balance, but the key is using them. In order for the oils to work, we need to get back into the habit of using them consistently. Make it a habit. Get the family involved. Just get them in the diffuser and get to enjoy your days again. ❤️

Finding Balance
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