the GoodDrop, the Good Drop, essential oils, Young Living, ree shipping, Premium Starter KitFree Shipping is available to YOU when you become a NEW member this month!!!

Young Living is offering free shipping for new members!!! The Premium Starter Kit already comes with a free wholesale membership (for life!) so with free shipping you are set!

When you purchase your Premium Starter Kit (essential oils, Ningxia Red or Thieves kit) you’ll receive free shipping on your first purchase of 100 PV or more. (The premium starter kit is 100 PV )

This promotion will run from October 1 at 12 a.m., MT, through October 31 at 11:59 p.m., MT, and is available only for new U.S. enrollees.

Reactivated members, upgraded retail to wholesale accounts, APO, and NFR do not qualify for free shipping.

Be sure to click the name of the person who introduced you to Young Living!

You’ve heard us all raving about the PSK. It’s how most people get started because with the PSK you get:

  • a free wholesale membership. No requirement to ever buy again, and when you do you’ll get te 24% wholesale discount.
  • 12 oils that cover all the most common complaints we get from busy folks like you – sleep, stress, aging skin, joints, and weight.
  • a diffuser of your choice that’s the healthy replacement for candles, air fresheners, and all the other nasty stuff you’ve been using.

WHY: Because you deserve to be healthy and happy, and sometimes we all need a little help getting there.  This is the easy no-brainer way to achieve that, with the tools and community to help you get there.

WHY NOW: ah, do I need to remind you the holiday season is around the bend? Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas. Travel, guests, stress, eating, sleep, socializing, colds and sniffles.  This is the kit to support you through the toughest quarter of the year. Let’s take a proactive approach this year? Instead of hitting that first week of December and wondering how you’ll make it through another 30 days of this!

WHY NOW NOW: Because through the end of October you get FREE shipping!

Have we convinced you yet? Hop on over to check out the PSK options and reply with questions. We wanna help you make this important step!


FREE Shipping for New Members in October!

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