Christmas and New Years have passed. Kids are back in school. It’s time to get back into the routine of daily life. Which also means better eating (did you see last weeks tip?) AND better sleep.
I get so many questions about sleep, so I know I am not alone with this struggle. Here are a few tips for getting a better night’s sleep by establishing a sleep routine: just like for children when they are young, having your own sleep routine can really help.
- Ablutions: For most of us (I hope!) your sleep routine already includes brushing your teeth and washing your face.
- Relaxation: Include a couple of minutes of meditation or reading. Not on your phone though! Blue light from screens can interrupt your body’s triggers for sleep hormones.
- Sights and Sounds: Switch out CF bulbs in your bedside light for warm spectrum LEDs or incandescent. Nature sounds or a sound machine can help some people. The Aria Diffuser comes with built-in nature sounds, which can help with the next tip.
- Smells: Cedarwood has been shown to stimulate your pineal gland which produces melatonin. This is a gentle way to help your body do its thing, and get back into its natural rhythm rather than taking a supplement. Lavender is also well known for its relaxing properties. Combined these two are a great option for helping reestablish normal sleep. Try them rubbed on the soles of your feet, or on your neck. And if you have a diffuser they are a great combo to have running overnight. (TIP: When I am in a hotel without a diffuser, I place a couple drops on the pillowcase so the scent stays with me whichever way I turn!)
Follow the same sleep routine every night and soon your body will be like Pavlov’s dog, anticipating that dreamy sleep-state to come! If you are not yet a member, we have 5 Premium Starter Kits that come with a diffuser and lavender. Follow this link and click on the name of the person who introduced you to see the options on the second page.
Need more help? Sometimes we’ve fallen so far from our routine we need a little kick start to get us back on track with our sleep. When I am traveling and I know I will be away from my usual routine or in a different timezone, I find ImmuPro can really help. It’s full of anti-oxidents, zinc, selenium and a touch of melatonin to help keep your immune system strong and your sleep on track.