How-To Tips for our Manifestation Glass Etching DIY Kits
Whether you are new to DIY or a pro, these How-To Tips for our Manifestation Glass Etching DIY Kits will help you turn out a gorgeous looking glass!
Manifestation Glass Etching
Here’s the deal:
you can buy this kit and make yourself an absolutely gorgeous glass. OR
you can buy this kit, do the intention/manifestation, recommit to your goals, know that someone is cheering you on, have it be a daily reminder of how you have chosen to look after yourself in this moment/all this year AND have an absolutely gorgeous glass.
You choose! Either way there’s no losing but I truly encourage you to give it a try. Henry Ford said “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you are right”, and I would take it one step further. Whether you believe you will or you believe you won’t, you are right. There is an amazing power in articulating your dreams and taking time to think through the steps you could take towards those dream.
So, sit back, put on some nice music, remove distractions. Set the kids up with their own activity. This is time is for you. If you haven’t yet, download our free Manifestation Worksheet to find out more about goals and intentions that actually work, and then you can get started.
How To Etch Glass with Gorgeous Results
Step 1: Protect work surface. You’ll need scissors, dishtowel, spoon and trash can. Have you done your goals yet? If you haven’t, it’s not too late to pause and do that. I promise, we’ll wait for you. 😉Step 2: Wash your hands and glass with soap and water*. Fill wine glass with 5oz of water. For other glasses, fill to where you want to line up the image. *If you are not using a new glass, consider washing with vinegar. For vintage glasses or very hard water, I have had success running them through the dishwasher with a little citric acid.Step 3: Rub the back of the stencil with the spoon (or a credit card or burnishing tool). If your design has floating elements, pay particular attention to this step.Step 4: Lay the stencil facedown on a table and slowly peel back the white backing at a sharp angle. If floating elements start to come off with the backing, put it back down again, rub with further with the spoon and try peeling again. If you are having trouble with this step, sometimes it can help to try a different corner of the design.Step 5: For best placement of the stencil, gently squeeze the stencil down the midline so that only a very small section of the stencil hits the glass. The adhesive is removable so you can carefully adjust the placement until you are happy with the way it lines up top to bottom and left to right. Start to slowly rub center outwards. Smoothing air bubbles and wrinkles as you go.Step 6: IT IS IMPORTANT TO REMOVE ALL CREASES that are near your image. They are ok on the outside edge. If any wrinkles on the inside of your stencil (where the image is) can’t be smoothed out with your thumbs, try gently lifting and stretching the stencil and placing back down. Once you have a smooth application use the spoon again to really rub the stencil onto the glass paying extra attention to any floating elements.Step 7: Peel the clear transfer tape off the stencil at a sharp angle. If any floating elements of your design start to come up, place the transfer tape back down, rub/burnish again, and peel slowly again at a sharp angle. If you continue to have trouble, try peeling from a different corner.Step 8: Once you have a smooth stencil, protect the area surrounding the glass with the blue painters tape.Step 9: PUT ON GLOVES. You are dealing with a corrosive material. Be careful and pay attention to all warnings on the label. Kneed the pouch for about 30 seconds to mix the cream. Put the cut corner of the etching cream pouch into the trash or non-reactive container as shown. Squeeze etching cream onto design and immediately start moving the cream with the applicator.Step 10: Set a timer for 3 mins and move the cream in different directions. Use a combination of horizontal, vertical and diagonal stokes to get into every corner of the design. Keep the fluid moving on the glass for the most uniform etching result. Use this time to think about your goal. Think about why it is important to you and how this glass will serve as a reminder of that throughout the year.Step 11: Once the time is up, put the applicator straight in the trash and use the cotton round to wipe off the majority of the etching cream. This is to reduce the amount of cream that goes into your sink. If you have a stainless steel or plastic utility sink they are best to use.Step 12: Rinse the glass under running water. Use your gloved hands to get in and really rub away the cream.Step 13: Remove the blue tape and the stencil, again disposing carefully in the trash. Rinse the glass one more time, and rinse the sink.Step 14: You have your completed glass! The etching is complete. It will appear more pronounced as the glass dries. Now it’s time to make a toast to yourself!
Whether you are a busy working mom, or a tired parent of a complex kid, or an entrepreneur striving for that big breakthrough; whoever you are, you have GOALS and I feel confident this can help you. Whether your goal is less stress, less worry, more time or more money, we can explore that together.
How much is it worth to discover more time in your day?
How much is it worth to feel confident in your abilities to handle a situation?
What would you pay to land that new client?
INVEST in your goal. Your goal is worth investing in. Take the time.