the good drop, the GoodDrop, Young Living, Essential oils, hormones, pmsWe all know how hormones impact our bodies; for the better or worse.  So if you are dealing with hot flashes, cyclical acne, night sweats, weight gain, mood variability (yes, you know what I mean!), brain fog, slowed metabolism or any of the other delights of hormonal imbalance, we’ve put together the Good Drop Hormone Support through the Decades Guide for you. With a special shout out to the folks at the Ref Guide 4 EO app who consolidated a lot of this info.  (Plus check out our special deal this month to get this helpful app for yourself for free!)

Now, these are generalizations and each body is unique.  Just like some people swear by acetaminophen and others by ibuprofen, every persons’ constitution is different. Use this guide as a starting point and then experiment to find the one that’s perfect for you!

and you can even create your own custom blend (or a couple of different ones to use throughout the month) using the descriptions of the single oils below! Let the fun begin!

Up to 30 years old

In your teens and your twenties, you are likely dealing predominantly with cyclical acne, cramps, and mood swings.  So let’s tame that Dragon and let her soar like the beautiful beast she was born to be (ok this analogy is getting weird) with Dragon Time. This is a blend of single oils that have historically been used to help alleviate premenstrual and menstrual cramps and discomfort. This blend may also help men with prostate problems.

Single Oils Contained in This Blend:

  • Clary Sage is beneficial for regulating cells and balancing the hormones. It may help with menstrual cramps, PMS, and premenopause symptoms. It may also help with circulatory problems.
  • Fennel may help improve digestive function by supporting the liver. It may also help balance the hormones.
  • Lavender is an oil that has traditionally been known to balance the body and to work wherever there is a need. It may help with PMS/menopausal problems, stress, stretch marks, tension, and water retention.
  • Marjoram is relaxing, calming, and appeasing to the muscles that constrict and sometimes contribute to headaches.
  • Yarrow is a powerful decongestant of the prostate and a hormone balancer. (Side note, I got to plant Yarrow when I was at the Young Living Farm in Mona so if you have a bottle of Dragon Time it might very well have MY yarrow in it!!! How cool is that!?!)
  • Jasmine is very uplifting to the emotions; it may produce a feeling of confidence, energy, euphoria, and optimism. As an antispasmodic, it has been used for menstrual discomfort, muscle spasms, and uterine disorders.

The oils in Dragon Time may help it be effective for dealing with various problems related to the Hormonal System and to Emotional Balance. Dragon Time may be beneficial in times of hormonal stress. It may be diffused in the home or office, or a few drops can be placed on a cotton ball and be put in the car vent. Alternately it may be applied to the Vita Flex Points on the feet and around the ankles, both inside and out. It may be diluted with V-6 Oil for application on the other Vita Flex Points on the body. It may also be applied as a hot compress or rubbed over the abdomen, across the lower back, or anywhere it hurts.

Safety Data: Use with caution during pregnancy.  Companion Oils: Combining this blend with Mister or EndoFlex may help alleviate hot flashes (power surges) in women. (Another side note, can I tell you how much I love that they refer to hot flashes as power surges! The content writers of this app are AWESOME! LOL)

30-45 years old

Mister was initially formulated to help balance male energy and help regulate prostate function. However, it has also been used successfully in eliminating hot flashes for women.

Single Oils Contained in This Blend:

  • Sage may help improve estrogen and progesterone-testosterone balance. It is believed to contain elements that contribute to the secretion of progesterone-testosterone.
  • Fennel may help improve digestive function by supporting the liver. It may also help balance the hormones.
  • Lavender is an oil that has traditionally been known to balance the body and to work wherever there is a need. It is anti-inflammatory and may help reduce inflammation of the prostate.
  • Myrtle is a decongestant of the prostate and respiratory system.
  • Peppermint is anti-inflammatory to the prostate.
  • Yarrow is a powerful decongestant of the prostate and a hormone balancer.

Carrier Oil Contained in This Blend: Sesame seed oil. Mister may be effective for dealing with various problems related to the Hormonal System. Apply Mister to Vita Flex points on ankles, to lower pelvis as a compress, and to Vita Flex points on body or, even more intuitively, use directly on area of concern. Use on prostate (may want to dilute).

Safety Data: Avoid during pregnancy. Use with caution if susceptible to epilepsy.

45 years old and beyond

Endoflex is a beautiful blend that may help provide overall balance and support to the endocrine system and may work to improve the vitality of the body. It may support the pineal and pituitary glands, parathyroid, thymus, and adrenal glands. It may also help alleviate hot flashes and stimulate weight loss by improving metabolic function. It may support the thyroid for metabolic and hormonal balance.

Single Oils Contained in This Blend:

  • Spearmint is an oil that may balance and increase metabolism, helping to burn up fats and toxins in the body.
  • Sage may help improve estrogen and progesterone-testosterone balance. It is believed to contain elements that contribute to the secretion of progesterone-testosterone.
  • Geranium may help with hormonal balance, liver and kidney functions, and the discharge of toxins from the liver that keep us from having balance. Geranium opens the liver chakra.
  • Myrtle may help regulate thyroid function. For hypo-thyroid, it may increase activity and improve balance.
  • Nutmeg has adrenal cortex–like activity, which helps support the adrenal glands for increased energy.
  • German Chamomile has been found to help open the liver, increase liver function and secretion, and support the pancreas.

Carrier Oil Contained in This Blend: Sesame seed oil. The oils in this blend may help it be effective for dealing with various problems related to the Hormonal (Endocrine) System. Endoflex may be applied over the thyroid, kidneys, liver (front right, 2” down from bra line), pancreas (front left), and all glands. It may also work well when applied to the Vita Flex Points on the feet, including under the big toe and on the throat or endocrine gland locations.

Safety Data: Can be irritating to sensitive skin. Use with caution if susceptible to epilepsy.

Are you dealing with any of this? Which ones are hitting you the worst? Comment below and we’ll pick some folks to send samples to!

Hormones through the Decades
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