the GoodDrop, the Good Drop, essential oils, Young Living, kombucha, upcycleNeed a Thieves Household Cleaner spray bottle? Our cleaners broke one of my spray bottles recently. It was a good one.  The right size. The right weight in my hand. Nice Spray trigger that didn’t leak.

Broken glassware and crockery is one of the perils of having polished concrete floors – absolutely zero give when you drop something on it. If this happens to you, don’t throw out the spray trigger. Check out this clever up-cycling tip for reusing Kombucha bottles from Kara*. ♻️

the GoodDrop, the Good Drop, essential oils, Young Living, kombucha, upcycle 1) Drink Kombucha (pick a narrow neck brand like Health-Ade.  While I love GTS bottles for home brewing, the neck is too big to fit a spray trigger)
2) Use Lemon Oil to remove the label (if the label is really persistent you can also fill jar with hot water which will allow you to get most of it off dabbing with the back of the label, and then clean it up with lemon)
3) Add Spray trigger. If you don’t already have one, these ones both have a great rating: and

Easy peasy.



the GoodDrop, the Good Drop, essential oils, Young Living, kombucha, upcycle(Kara, I didn’t get your last name, and I’d love to give you credit for these.  Message me if you read this so I can update the post!)

Kombucha Bottle Upcycling Hack!
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