How to make DIY linen spray

Whether you are conjuring up the soothing scent of Clary Sage or the heartening aroma of Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood, you can answer the call with a quick and easy DIY linen spray.


💧 4 ounces distilled water
💧 2 ounces witch hazel or rubbing alcohol
💧 35-45 drops essential oil


1️⃣ Put witch hazel or rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle
2️⃣ Add essential oils (we have some recipe ideas below!)
3️⃣ Add water and shake well
4️⃣ Lightly mist your linens

*Because oil and water don’t mix, witch hazel and rubbing alcohol act as emulsifiers to help the ingredients combine.

YL tip: Always shake your linen spray before using it to maximize the scent.

Question: Do essential oils stain?

Some oils have a naturally dark color due to their constituents. Check out Young Living’s guide on which essential oils stain before spritzing with those scents.

To play it safe, go with these tried and tested linen spray recipes. The oils are diluted enough that they shouldn’t stain your linens. We tested these sprays on clean, white tissues to ensure they didn’t leave a trace of anything other than a lovely scent. Though it’s always a good idea to do a spot test.