the Good Drop, the GoodDrop, essential oils, Young Living, monthly promos, lavender lotion, juvaflex vitality, valor, clarityWow. March Promos are exciting! All I have to say is YL is giving away so much! I mean… look at the 100 PV promo!

And all new enrollees will receive a free bottle of Lavender Lotion! Use this lotion for all skin types. Pro-tip: Use it as a “carrier oil” by adding a few drops of essential oil and rubbing the lotion + the oil onto your children or yourself. 😉

Alright, before we start talking about these promos, I want to make sure that you all know about Essential Rewards (ER).

👉 Please make sure you are ordering on ER!!! GUYS!!! Best value and freebies and perks! This is our monthly wellness box ordering program that offers points back and additional promos. You can watch this video to get more info here.

👉Also, let’s make sure you are getting the cheapest shipping options, please read here about YL GO, our Amazon Prime Free Shipping service, so you are getting the best price available to you. Learn more here.

Alrighty! Let’s get into it! 👇

300 PV: Everything below

Gentle Baby (15 ml)

This is unheard of to get Gentle Baby in this size. I don’t think I have been able to get a 15 ml of this oil since 2014. Gentle Baby is a blend not only that all mothers need, but has a beautiful aroma that everyone in our home enjoys. It contains oils like Jasmine and Rose. It is luxury in a bottle. It’s gentle enough for the most sensitive skin. Great for smoothing our stretch marks or fine lines. Tips for the mamas: place a few drops on the car seat straps or on a lovey toy for baby’s or toddler’s comfort.

250 PV: Everything below

Travel Bag

Oils Pouch – Our oils work best when we have them with us, and we can use them…and YL knows this! I don’t know about you, but I need a few oils on my person at ALL times. In the car, in the gym bag, in the diaper bag…and all over the house. That’s why they’re sending us this super cute oil pouch with our orders this month. It is a super pretty rosy purple color and says “Inhale Exhale”. And if you are a guy, give it to your favorite lady or to your mom for Mother’s Day, which is right around the corner (you’re welcome!)

190 PV: Everything below

Juvaflex Vitality (5 ml)

Did you know that the liver is the most important detoxifying organ in the body? Yup! The liver filters out all of the toxins that come through the things we eat, drink, breathe and put on our skin. What happens when that filter gets clogged?

If not recognized and removed, those toxins can become backlogged and are then stored in bodily tissues or fat. Particularly problematic are petrochemicals and heavy metals which can cause extreme toxicity in the body. Guess what else the liver is known for?

According to traditional Chinese medicine, anger and other negative emotions are stored in the liver. When the liver is functioning properly, it allows for the processing and release of both toxic emotions as well as physical toxins from our environment.

How do we keep that liver happy?

  • Avoid alcohol and processed food
  • A balanced diet with fiber and limited refined carbs
  • Maintain optimal hydration
  • Add some JuvaFlex to your routine!

JuvaFlex Vitality contains Helichrysum, Geranium, Roman Chamomile, Fennel, Rosemary, and Blue Tansy. It is labeled for internal use as a Vitality oil and is also used topically and aromatically. It’s kind of interesting to see some oils we don’t usually ingest in this formulation!

Let’s learn more about their properties and what they’re known for:

  • Helichrysum is very gentle and highly restorative, it’s a big-time detoxifier. It fosters patience and persistence. We use this on any serious boo-boo with fast results… a miracle oil, truly.
  • Geranium has some interesting research for liver/pancreas/bile ducts that you should check out in your pocket reference. Emotionally, this oil releases negative memories and fears of abandonment to promote self-acceptance and uplift the spirit.
  • Roman Chamomile has been known to support digestive and liver function for centuries…emotionally, it helps with nervous tension and brings feelings of inner peace. Wonderful for skin and sleep, too!
  • Fennel is great for digestion, menstrual relief and also for stimulating the movement of “stuck” energy. During medieval times, it was used to ward off evil spirits and fortify soldiers with strength and confidence.
  • Rosemary is amazing for supporting the liver, and immunity. It’s in THIEVES, after all! It enhances mental clarity and concentration. Emotions: Loyalty to self, and walking proudly in our truth, our destiny or our purpose.
  • Blue Tansy is so soothing and so BLUE. This potent little treasure releases anger, calms feelings of overwhelm, and helps us identify what is irritating us, so that we can embrace more flow and more chill.

SO! In addition to amazing liver support. JuvaFlex was formulated to clear the emotions of blame, feeling unappreciated, feeling deprived and feeling angry. It helps foster feelings of being supported, appreciated as well as contentment and forgiveness.

Use this oil to cleanse generational and learned beliefs around anger and decision making. The sooner you own what is creating anger and blocking your choices, the sooner you will be moving forward! How to use it:

  1. Grab some of our awesome veggie capsules
  2. Apply over liver
  3. Do this consistently for 30 days and see how you feel!

So our LIVE-R is pretty crucial, eh? YES! Go forth and LOVE THAT LIVER!

Clarity (5 ml – ER Exclusive)

Use this blend to promote a clear mind and to amplify mental alertness and vitality. It increases energy when overly tired and brings greater focus to the spirit and the mind. A few years ago at convention, Gary shared if you diffuse Clarity and put forgiveness over the heart – this combo helps you break destructive emotional patterns. And putting Clarity behind your ears and on the back of your neck with Believe on your forearms with helps you see your path and believe in your ability to go after it.

100 PV (ER Exclusive)

Valor (5 ml)

Ok, first of all this is a $40 oil. I have never seen a 100 PV promo at this high of value. Valor is an amazing blend that includes the following single oils:

We like to refer to Valor, in our family, as our “BRAVE” oil. It is useful for feelings of anxiousness and fears. This blend was formulated to balance energies and instill courage, confidence, and self-esteem. It helps the body self-correct its balance and alignment because it has the energetic frequency of your bones, so when you put it on, it helps your bones get more support. It’s called “chiropractor in a bottle” for this very reason!

All of these are exciting, right? What are your favorites? Let us know in the comments below! ❤️

Hit Your Stride with Young Living’s March Promos! ❤️
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