the GoodDrop, theGoodDrop, essential oils, Young Living, organic, natural, non-toxic, intentional living, stress, confidence, anxiety
Valor and Peace & Calming. Stress Release and Confidence in two tiny bottles.

Who else occasionally suffers from overwhelm and stress? We are continuing our New Year, Healthier You series that we started on the first with Weight Management, then Sleep and Working Out!  This week is all about stressing less and feeling more confident.


When I think about stress and how to deal with it – it helps me to think about the underlying emotion.

  • For stress caused by anticipation/worry, I like to use Stress Away. This oil has the comforting smell of Vanilla with the energizing smell of lime. To me, this is a great one for converting stress energy into excitement energy. Stress and excitement are the same hormones in the body and Stress Away can help change our perspective on those physical sensations away from stress and towards excitement.
  • For stress caused by irritation/annoyances, I like to use Peace and Calming (P&C). This blend is a go-to for my son at the end of a long school day in the diffuser or as a backrub. When you notice a spiraling cycle of little annoyances that grow and grow until you feel like yelling, this is the oil to whip out and break that cycle! Another great option that is similar is Surrender– perfect for when you know you need to let it go.


Confidence is a whole different spectrum to stress. Confidence is about the feeling of know you’ve made it through life up until this point, and that you will be able to keep going.

  • For lack of confidence caused by nervousness, I love using Valor. As the name suggests, this blend includes oils that support confidence and high self-esteem. It’s a great one to wear on diffuser jewelry or rub on the brain stem. I have a roller lid on mine to make it easy to use in a rush.
  • For lack of confidence causes by limiting beliefs, my to-go is Release. It’s great to use during meditation or moments of mindfulness to help get a new perspective on that beliefs and examine them with fresh eyes. It’s one of the oils recommended as part of the Aroma Freedom protocol.
  • For lack of confidence manifesting as anxiety, I like to use White Angelica. It’s a combo that is grounding and calming in a way that makes me feel so protected from negative energy going on around me. It’s a salve in crowded situations and during crucial conversations.

So that’s a pretty impressive list of Emotion Potions, right? Did we cover everything? Let us know in the comments if there is something you think we missed, or that you’d like a recommendation for.

Ready for the best part? When I signed up a little over 5 years ago, Valor and Peace & Calming (P&C) came in the Premium Starter Kit (PSK) so everyone got to know and fall in love with these two oils, and then due to supply constraints they went away. Stress Away has always been in the kid, and now… as of last week, Valor and P&C are back in the PSK!!!! Something about starting out with these incredible calming, emotional oils gets you immediately hooked for life!! They really do work magic.

Plus it’s not to late to earn your Nepalese souvenir – all the details here and watch for all my Nepal photos on my FB page:  One stop vicarious travel!

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Stress Less in 2019
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