The Young Living ART Refreshing Toner is the bomb! As with all good quality products, it’s worth the investment… but at the same time you want it to last so this is my GoodDrop $$ money saving tip for you!
First, let’s talk about why you should use toner in the first place. The role of toner is to balance your skin’s pH after washing and before moisturizing. I am not an esthetician, but I did ask my esthetician (aren’t I clever!) and she told me it basically tightens up your skin after washing. It’s good for:
- closing up your pores,
- getting rid of any remaining dirt, oil or remaining product, and
- balancing the pH.
This means that it can help reduce ingrown hairs and, help reduce the oil your skin is producing itself and, help increase the effectiveness of your moisturizer. That’s a win-win-win in my book! Hopefully, I’ve convinced you it’s worth using toner – so why spend the big bucks on ART Refreshing Toner?
It’s a super gentle formula and even though you generally want to avoid toners that have alcohol in them this one is ok. (Here’s the deal, my esthetician explained why it’s OK that this formula includes alcohol even though you should normally avoid it, and I really can’t remember what her explanation was at the time but it made sense and I trust her and frankly my skin feels amazing after using it, so I am going with it!). More importantly, it has all the best essential oils to help balance your skin’s pH, while leaving your face clean, toned, and refreshed; Peppermint (for the cooling and pore closing?), Melissa, Frankincense, Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood – all of them great for skin. In case you didn’t know, not only are they amazing for your skin, but their amazing healing properties and rarity mean that Melissa, Frankincense and Sandalwood are 3 of the most expensive oils that Young Living sells. And you are getting them all in this great toner!
So here’s the money saving part – pouring toner directly onto a facial round (I use washable ones) straight out of the bottle dispenses more product than you really need. So, instead, I pour some into a spray bottle and use about 4-5 spritzes with each application. This makes my Young Living ART Refreshing Toner last waaayyyy longer, and I still get the indulgent feel! #happy Have you tried this toner? Do you make your own? Do you want to try this one? Message me and I’ll send you a sample!