As 2018 draws to a close, I think back on all the fun we had this year, and the moments I won’t forget.

The Spring Cleaning “Ditch and Switch” challenge where we tossed our toxic products and replaced them with better options. The gorgeous new Desert Mist diffuser becoming available as a Premium Starter Kit. The DIY v PreMade Faceoff – Diane’s craftiness really shone with that one.

We had so many great times, but the moments that stick out the most, are the stories from YOU. Thank you to all of you who took time to share your stories. They inspire me to keep sharing, keep teaching, keep empowering people to make better choices for them and their families.

  • To those of you who tackled your stress head-on, and won, THANK YOU.
  • To those of you who wanted deeper longer sleep, and had their dreams come true, THANK YOU.
  • To those of you determined to bring some ease to your joints, and found movement, THANK YOU.
  • To those of you who made progress on weight and fitness goals, and feel lighter and stronger, THANK YOU.
  • To those of you who chucked the toxic stuff in your cabinets, and chose plant-based cleaning options, THANK YOU.

To each and everyone of you out there, making intentional choices towards your health and happiness goals, the entire GOODDROP team thanks you. You are voting with your mind and your dollars for the future you want, for the environment and for generations to come. It may feel like a tiny drop in a bucket, but together we are making an impact.

We hope you are enjoying time with family and friends this season. We wish you a very merry Christmas.


Thank you for a fantastic 2018!
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