Where has this been my whole diffusing life? 

“Sometimes I am so lazy that I don’t want to fill up my diffuser simply because I don’t want to unplug it and lug it over to the sink.  Sad I know… Enter my new favorite #lifehack! Simply flip over the inner funnel, plug the top and fill it up with water. Let go of the tip and fill up your diffuser! It works best with desert mist and lantern diffusers.” Thank you Joy and Ginger.

I typically fill mine using one of the water cups that seem to be perennially spread throughout the house by the kids, but I love this idea even more!

We are counting down for the sale of the season! Who else is excited to see what’s included in this year’s deals!?!?!?! HINT: They are all Young Living’s SUPERSTARS!

Be sure to watch out for our messages announcing the exciting Black Friday deals coming up later this week!

Time Saving Diffuser Hack
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