the Good Drop, the GoodDrop, essential oils, Young Living, difference between vitality and classic essential oils, vitality versus classic, white versus colorful labelsVitality (white) labels versus Classic (colorful) labels: Here’s the deal with this. To make it SUPER easy (and safe!) to tell which oils are safe to consume, Young Living uses white labels for all its Vitality line, which can be ingested. Here’s the trick though, the contents inside the bottle are exactly the same!

Bottles of classic essential oils and the corresponding bottles of Vitality oils contain the same oils.

Vitality oils are labeled for dietary use, and the Classic essential oils are labeled for topical and aromatic use. The designation of the two products allows you to easily differentiate between the two, in line with package directions.

BUT there is also another use for this difference. Since the contents are the same, and all oils that can be ingested can be used topically or aromatically, then you don’t need to double up on the bottles. You can just buy one! And since the Vitality line is all 5ml bottles, it is better value to but the 15ml bottle (where it exists). (Typically the 5ml bottles are half the price and a third of the volume).

And conversely, if it’s a new oil and you are not sure if you are going to love it or not, then you can buy the 5ml Vitality bottle to try it out with less commitment.

Nice, right? Who already knew this little trick?

Again, all Young Living oils are safe to use topically and aromatically. NOT all oils are safe to ingest. Check that if the oil comes in a Vitality (white) version before ingestion.

Pro Tip:

  • 5ml bottle = 85-100 drops
  • 15ml bottle = 250-300 drops
White vs Colorful Labels: What’s the difference?
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