the GoodDrop, the Good Drop, essential oils, Young Living, Bath Salts, Essential Oil GiftsSo I have an embarrassing secret.  If you know me well, you probably know that I am super thrifty.  I have trouble throwing things out.  The green blogger in me is always convinced I will find a use for every item.  And so because of this… I have a giant (and I mean VERY large) bag of empty essential oil bottles and it’s hidden in one of my bookcases in my office.

All the other oilers do these super cute crafts with their empty bottles.  They make labels. They turn them into gifts. They make cleaning products.  And while my heart wants to do all this, somehow it never bubbles to the top of my to-do list.

Did you know when the bottle appears empty there another good 5-6 drops (that’s like 5% of a 5ml bottle) left!

  • Diane soaks her empties in baking soda and makes cleaning products with them.
  • Marcelline adds cute labels and gives them as gifts.
  • Others add Aromaglide Fitment lids and reuse them for rollers.
  • If you are going to the YL convention this year, you can recycle them in special bins.

the GoodDrop, the Good Drop, essential oils, Young Living, Natural Cleaning, Baking SodaSo many options! Yet, I have done none.  So this is your chance to give me advice, what should I do with all my empties? Share your tip and I might just get off the proverbial couch and do it! (and I might just give you a shout out to say thanks!)

PLUS now through the end of May, you get a free full-size Thieves Household Cleaner, plus a beautiful glass spray bottle when you order your Premium Starter Kit – it’s so simple! Click through and select the name of the person who introduced you. Grab one for yourself, grab one for a family member.

AND our Toothpaste Challenge is still going on if you want to try those out for free.  So much fun happening this month~

This Good Drop Young Living Tipster Tuesday Tip is brought to you courtesy of my daughter.  I asked her tonight – what is your favorite Essential Oil tip and she said, ‘the extra drops when you take the reducer out’.  She’s a smart cookie that one!


What to do with all those empties?!
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