Whole Body Roller Set, Young Living, Essential Oils, the Good Drop, the GoodDrop, June Challenge: Whole Body Roller Set

The May Good Drop Toothpaste Challenge was so fun. We loved seeing you all trying new products and so fascinating to see how the group was divided in which ones they preferred! Β We know you are busy like us. We know you just need things to be simple, and straightforward, and intuitive. So that’s what we are doing this month with our Whole Body Roller Set! And you get it free when you try ER for the first time this month*. Yay!

Young Living Essentials Oils are the tool to help you achieve your health and happiness goals. We all know that, right? You deserve to be happy and healthy. You deserve this. Being healthy and happy is how we are able to pour into our families.

And the amazing thing about EOs? Whether you believe in them or you don’t, Essential Oils work. They do the work for you. You will make progress on your health and happiness goals.

So to help you get a JUMPSTART on your goals, we have created this Whole Body Roller Label Set; to support every system of your body, whether it’s your digestive system, respiratory system, muscular/skeletal, joints and ligaments. It takes the place of your muscle rubs, your sleep supplements, your immune boosters, and it’s all in one kit.

It’s not about “fixing” your body or your mind – Essential oils allow your body to do its job properly; they allow it to regulate your hormones so you sleep better, feel less stress, experience more agility in your bones. This is about supporting your body to perform at its best.

You need to feel healthy, and you want to feel at the top of your game, but you don’t want to dose yourself up with toxic products to feel that way. You deserve a more natural option.

Young Living has been making EOs for 25 years (did you catch that anniversary special yesterday!?!). It actually owns its own farms, so unlike other brands that buy herbs on the mass market, we can speak confidently about the products and exactly what’s in them. Young Living farms are actually open to the public – so you can go tour and plant a seedling yourself. I’ve been to 3 farms and walked the fields, and talked to the farmers. That sort of transparency is unparalleled in an industry where every brand is just hopping on the bandwagon of a trend. You deserve to feel confident about what you are buying.

If you are tired of buying products that have big promises and don’t deliver, or you use them once and then they sit on a shelf, you deserve to try Young Living.Β And ER is the perfect way to do that.

Essential Rewards (ER) is not like other subscription boxes:

🚚You get discounted shipping (and access to YLGO, like Prime Free Shipping)
πŸ“†You get access to ER exclusive Promos every month
πŸ’°You immediately start earning 10% back (not like Target’s 5% discount, not like my credit card that’s 3%). 10%! and after just 3 months it jumps to 20%!!!
πŸ’΅You get loyalty reward gifts at 3, 6, 9, and 12 months
πŸ›’You get to customize your cart every month and choose exactly what you want to receive (not like Ispy or Birchbox where you get mystery leftovers)
πŸ›It’s free to join and there’s no commitment.

Pretty amazing deal right? and this month we are giving you the Whole Body Roller Set; 12 roller labels that not only are beautiful – they include the ingredients right there on the label so you will never have to guess at the recipe when you want to refill a favorite roller a few months from now.

These labels make it so easy to start switching out items on your Target list for BETTER items from YL.

  • You deserve to feel good. You deserve to sleep well. You deserve this.
  • You don’t have to understand the science of aromatherapy for the oils to work.
  • These rollers are so easy and intuitive. Your knee feels creaky, apply them to your knee.
  • Feel a little head tension coming on, apply them to your temples. There is nothing easier.
  • You don’t need special tools – just use your oils and you’re good to go.
  • Even if you eat poorly. Even if you are busy and stressed.
  • This is doable. It’s not another thing you need to block out time for in your day, you add them to products you are already using and quickly feel the results.

Imagining sleeping better, and feeling less stressed this weekend. Imagine jumping out of bed in the morning without any aches and pains.

These are skin loving, joint loving products. Pat got her starter kit last Thursday and wrote to me today saying she’s been loving her Frank on her face – “Love it! I can see and feel a difference!”

I got rid of my Target card, and now I don’t have to resist all the temptation buys. I don’t have to deal with the crowds. I just pick my items and they arrive on my doorstep.

Have I convinced you yet? LOL I speak so passionately about this because I’ve seen the changes that people have made using these. And I want that for you too!

Here’s my video showing these amazing labels.

Who wants a set? Try out ER in June and they are yours!

*open to members who enroll in ER with 100PV+ for the first time, or re-enroll after 6+ months with a 100PV+ ER order.

Whole Body Roller Challenge
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