the Good Drop, the GoodDrop, essential oils, Young Living, meditation tips, mind, TLCYou’re folding your clothes, while watching TV, while checking your phone, while petting the dog – all while wondering what to make for dinner and whether or not you could rock a new hairstyle. Sound familiar? And if you saw my New Year’s Resolution post, you’ll know I struggled with my meditation goal last year!

With the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it can be easy for our minds to get overwhelmed and overburdened. To combat this chaos, many people turn to meditation. It can help us live in a less distracted and productive way by helping us develop strength, clarity, and stability in our minds. But how to meditate? All you need is a quiet place, a little determination, and a few tips!

1. Make time

Like any skill, meditation takes repetition and practice to master. The more consistent you are, the more benefits you will see. So make sure you allocate time for it each day. It doesn’t matter how long, as long as you make it consistent. (even just 2-5 mins can be a great way to start!)

2. Find the right location

Ideally, you’d meditate atop a mountain surrounded by clouds of incense and the sound of tingsha chimes. But we all know that this is not realistic for most of us. Luckily, all you really need is a place where you won’t be disturbed. If you can, dim the lights and diffuse or directly inhale meditation oils like Clarity, Stress Away, and Inner Child. I often use my office in the mornings before anyone else is up.

3. Sit properly

Once you find a place where you can sit comfortably, make sure you keep your back straight in a way that you will still feel relaxed. If you’re having problems, you can try rolling back your shoulders to help straighten your back easier. Muscles tight? Mix a few drops of your favorite essential oils with V-6 Enhanced Vegetable Oil Complex and massage the stiff area to help improve blood circulation and relieve tension.

4. Turn off your mind

Indeed one of the most challenging parts to master. But learning how to allow your thoughts to pass through your mind without judgment or emotion is one of the keys to meditation. Remember, if your mind starts to race, acknowledge it and then let it go. Practice focusing your mind with guided meditation and an oil like Present Time.

5. Breathe

If your mind begins to wander, refocus yourself by breathing. Yes, breathing is the foundation of meditation. To help you more, diffuse an essential oil with a calming aroma like Lavender or Frankincense, close your eyes, and breathe in deeply through your nose and allow your chest and stomach to expand as you are filling your body with nice, fresh air. Then exhale fully and slowly through your mouth, letting the air remove all negative energy from your body. Pay attention to the physical sensation of breathing: the cool air entering your nostrils, the expansion of your belly, and the warmness of the air leaving your body.

6. Stick with it

Over time, as you consistently practice meditation, you’ll significantly increase your inner wellbeing and happiness. Remember, practice makes perfect, and your perfect is not someone else’s perfect. Don’t get discouraged or frustrated if you don’t reach nirvana on your first try. As long as you stay consistent, you will start to see progress and the benefits of giving your mind the TLC it needs.

Let us know what essential oils you usually use for relaxation and reflection time!

A Beginner’s Guide to Meditation
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