the GoodDrop, theGoodDrop, essential oils, Young Living, organic, natural, non-toxic, intentional living, plant-basedWhat a week! With Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Cyber Monday and Giving Tuesday (you can donate to my fundraiser for the Young Living Foundation through the end of the month!), I have barely stopped for a breath! How about you? How are you feeling? Did you relax and recuperate? or was it the other end of the spectrum?

So I had a funny experience this weekend.  I have used Copaiba topically for a long time – it’s included in our premium starter kit and some of you may remember how I use a Copaiba, Lemongrass and Frankincense roller after skiing but I had never used it internally.  For years, people have been telling me they added it to their dogs’ food to support healthy joint movement, or for themselves.  One friend told me she swallows two drops of Copaiba down with the last sip of her coffee each morning and it’s been amazing for maintaining her hip joint mobility.  So I’ve heard these stories and shared them but never gotten to experience it myself!

With 3 days of sales this weekend, and long hours at the computer, I knew it was my muscles that were going to be feeling it. It was a looooong weekend and I was feeling it.  Halfway through I thought to take some Copaiba and man, was it great! My muscles stayed loose, my back stayed straight, my shoulders stayed relaxed and I felt like I could keep going! What a feeling! Let me tell you, now that I have experienced this, it’s going to be a part of my repertoire!

So how does Copaiba do this? I’m about to get all sciency on you now, so you can tune out and trust me, or if you like this sort of stuff read on! Copaiba is really high in beta-caryophyllene, more so than many other oils that are more famous for it.  I encourage you to google the benefits of beta-caryophyllene, there’s some really interesting research being done by really reputable groups.  Beta-caryophyllene attaches to CB2 receptors in your endocannabinoid system. CB1 are the receptors for mood-modulation which these don’t touch. Look into it! It’s REALLY fascinating stuff~

Anyway, the summary is, after a long weekend, I am feeling GREAT and I really encourage you to look into the benefits of Copaiba and beta-caryophyllene!

Copaiba – not only for joint health!
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